Thursday, June 9, 2011

Wednesday June 15

Well we have reached mid way into another year. This Wednesday is our June meeting for our Residents Association. We will be holding our meeting at 7:00 p.m. at Ralph Brown Community Centre. We will be discussing our second newsletter, including articles to include. If you have anything you would like to see, or if you have a write up you would like published in our newsletter, please email

We are also moving forward with our Residents Association by welcoming Joy, our new Community Development Worker. We are looking forward to the next year with you! Joy has a lot of passion and is again going to be a guiding force for our Residents Association to expand, assist our Community and plan many fun and exciting activities and events.

A lot of neat stuff is being looked into for the remainder of 2011, including Seasonal contests (however we did not have one for Spring yet, but it is still early) For Summer, Fall and Winter members of our association will be nominating our Community members, neighbours and friends for their beautiful yards, flower gardens or a recent improvement. We are wanting to encourage and reward positive change in our neighbourhood. If you know of a neighbour who takes pride in their yard and you feel they should receive a nomination, please email Keep watch in your mailbox, SJRA is still delivering!

With the announcement of our new Community Development Worker I would like to take this opportunity to say a big Thank You to Maia, our previous Community Development Worker. The past year had a lot of enthusiasm, new ideas and hard work and much of it was made possible by Maia's amazing attitude, positive thinking and drive to achieve. We got a lot accomplished and started off our regular quarterly newsletters, different community events, a successful community clean up, a Garden Committee, the ground work laid in place for a Safety Committee with a Citizens On Patrol Program being looked into and a year plan that we are able to stick to. We owe a lot to Maia and will be forever grateful and appreciative of all the work that Maia put into our Residents Association, Community, Neighbourhood and lives. Good luck to all of your new opportunities and new journeys.

Looking forward to seeing new and regular faces at our Wednesday meeting!

SJRA Treasurer