Tuesday, November 29, 2011

December's Meeting

I am getting around to posting all of the new information we have going for the next little while. Our newsletter is off to the printers and will be delivered within the next week or so to your mailboxes!

Our December meeting has been moved up one week due to the craziness that can be December! Rather than December 21, our meeting will be held on December 14th. January's meeting will remain the same.

Please keep in mind that meetings are not mandatory for our residents. If you would like additional information that you don't see on our blog, Facebook or Twitter, shoot us an email (stjohnsra@gmail.com) and we can always discuss more information or our induvidual Community projects going on!

Snow Removal Service

We are pleased to announce that this year the St. John's Residents Association is able to offer FREE snow removal service to people with disabilities or seniors who are unable to remove the snow or need assistance.

Members of the Residents Association and youth volunteers from the Community will be available to assist. If you would like to use this service, get in touch with us!

Leave us a comment, send us an email at stjohnsra@gmail.com, send us a message on Facebook (St. John's Residents) or send us a tweet!

Province of Manitoba | Bug N Scrub program

The Province of Manitoba Bug N Scrub program is now accepting referrals!

The success of any bed bug treatment program increases with proper preparation of a home or apartment.

For vulnerable persons who need help due to limitations that prevent them from preparing their home, the Bug N Scrub program provides a variety of preparation services such as moving furniture, general cleaning, laundry service, and reducing and removing clutter.

The Bug N Scrub team also returns to the home or apartment after treatment is complete to put things back in order.

To qualify and make use of this program you NEED a referral. If you would like for the St. John's Residents Association to write a referral for you please contact us at joy@necrc.org or stjohnsra@gmail.com