Friday, June 7, 2013

Friends of Sherbrook Pool

Friends of Sherbrook Pool has been advocating to have Sherbrook Pool reopened, and their cause would benefit greatly from additional signatures on their e-petition and participation from Winnipeggers from all neighbourhoods in their campaign to call city councilors to ask that they stand up for the pool.

If you would like more information on what they have been doing and the situation with Sherbrook pool, you can see their call for action below as well as their information.

You can see their Facebook page at, their online petition at and their website at

As well, the City released the following news release today:

Friday, June 7, 2013 

City to consult with residents of Daniel McIntyre ward on future of Sherbrook Pool

Winnipeg, MB – The City of Winnipeg’s Public Service is recommending that a consultation process be undertaken to determine the recreational needs of the Daniel McIntyre ward, including Sherbrook Pool and other facilities in that area.

On November 29, 2012, a routine inspection of the 81-year-old Sherbrook Pool identified a potential concern with the integrity of the support columns on the pool deck.The facility was closed to allow for a detailed engineering assessment of the facility to be undertaken. This assessment involved opening up (or uncovering) the columns around the pool to assess their condition.

Programming was relocated to nearby pool facilities for the winter and spring 2013 sessions.

The City brought in a third party engineering firm to assist with the assessment, which focused on determining the structural integrity of the facility and the anticipated costs of any needed repairs or remediation.

The Public Service has determined that the capital cost to re-open and maintain Sherbrook Pool would be approximately $6.3 million ($2.8M to re-open and $3.5M to maintain over the next twenty years).

Total expenditures for both maintenance and programming for Sherbrook Pool have increased significantly. It has gone from $525,000 in 2002 to $753,000 in 2012.

The public service recommends a request for proposals to have an independent third party conduct the community consultations.

An administrative report will be considered by the Standing Policy Committee of Property and Development on Tuesday, June 11. The report is available here.

Thursday, June 6, 2013

Bed Bug Prevention Kits

Our bed bug prevention kits are now available. These kits are free and include mattress covers, traps and information on how to prevent and remove bed bugs.

Also available is our bed bug steamer for rent. There is no charge for the steamer, however a $50 deposit is required when renting it.

If you have any questions or would like to rent the steamer or have a bed bug prevention kit, please call Sharon at 204-927-2340.

Tuesday, June 4, 2013

Planting Days

Come join us for two planting days this weekend! The first will be held at Salter Streets Community Garden which is just North of St. John's Avenue on the East side of Salter Street. It will be on Friday June 7 at 4 pm. Urban Eatin staff will be on site to answer any gardening questions. There will be a dinner at 6 pm afterwards at Ralph Brown Community Centre.

If you need any seedlings, please contact Sharon at 204-927-2340. 

The next day, Saturday June 8, we will be planting the centre planter in Machray Park. Registration is requested but not required.