The latest homicide of Winnipeg happened within our St Johns neighbourhood, just down the street from my home. The previous incident within our neighbourhood happened just the other week. That incident resulted in a walk showing our want for this to change.
As put on our Facebook page, I am wanting to know what the Community wants. Do we want to:
- Do another walk?
- Do an online petition?
- Contact our Winnipeg Police and request more Police presence?
- Start a Citizens on Patrol Program with rotational shifts through volunteers from our Community?
- Do we want to do all of the above?
I can easily start the online petition and write our Winnipeg Police a letter or an email requesting their assistance. Planning a walk would also be able to be done quickly though I would need everyones availability and the assistance from everyone to spread the word. I think that is one of our groups biggest flaws is that we are still struggling to find our voice and make it known that we exist.
Starting a COPP is one of my wants however I am finding it difficult to start up due to low interest or sparatic interest and then finding a time for everyone to be able to meet with the Coordinator to set it up.
Please let me know via Twitter at StJohnsResAssoc, on Facebook, by email or on Blogger what you would like to see done in regards to this incident!
Madelaine Dwyer