Friday, September 7, 2012

September Newsletter

We just received our newsletters for September and will be delivering them to your mailbox soon!

Do you have something you would like to see in our Newsletters? Do you want to comment, start a discussion about a topic or have a question about something in our Newsletter? Let us know!

We want our newsletter to be for you, our Community. If there are issues you would like to see addresses in it or subjects not covered, post a message on our Facebook, the blog, send us an email or come on down to a Residents Association meeting (every Third Wednesday of the month at Ralph Brown Community Centre at 7pm)

This newsletter has Community events, news updates and a survey. Happy reading!


  1. Is there anyway the association can act as a resource to help out with minor repairs for residents who are financially strapped? Could we ask experienced, retired,school kids, residents to help out with electical, plumbing, painting, carpentry, grass cutting. snow clearing, etc ? Is there any group doing this, or could help to do this?

  2. Hi,

    The Residents Association works with the North End Community Renewal Corporation (NECRC) and with their Housing Coordinator with small grants for resindets every spring.

    The City has a few programs that might qualify for assistance. Depending on what is required, your situation, etc. That information can be found at

    If you have something that you need help with, send us an email at and we can let our contacts know. If there is anyone who can help out, we can certainly get you in touch with them.

    We do have a green team and youth throughout the neighbourhood that help with lawn care and maintenance during the spring/summer/fall and can also help with raking leaves. These youth help shovel snow in the Winter also.

    One organization, that has an office at 1466 Arlington is SSCOPE Inc, who can assist with certain household activities. Information on their organization can be found at
