Wednesday, November 27, 2013

SJRA Housing & Safety Committee Meeting - Thurs Nov 28/13

Good Afternoon!

This is a friendly reminder of St. John’s Residents’ Association’s

Safety &  Housing Committee Meeting

Thursday, November 28 @ 5pm
@ St. John’s Library (downstairs meeting room - 500 Salter)
Dinner will be Stew & Bannock (yummy!)

Hope to see you there!


Tuesday, October 22, 2013

Photo's from the St. John's Residents' Association AGM!

On Sunday October 20th, residents and community members gathered at the Ralph Brown Community Centre for the Annual General Meeting. It was a well attended event with representatives from our funders, residents and friends coming together for some food, entertainment and of course electing the new board. 

We had some delicious food prepared by Sharon & Mary that was full of meatballs and roast and potatoes with Three Sisters stew as our vegetarian/vegan option!

Former resident Wanda Wilson entertained us with her musical talents and beautiful voice.

Welcoming remarks were given by our City Councillor Ross Eadie.

We honoured our past chair & Vice Chair Madeline & Ian (and baby) as well as Ashley Grace for helping with the Communications committee.

Dale presented us with the housing report and gave us some good news moving forward in the next year!

We have this beautiful display board to welcome our guests - it is available to go and be shared with other community groups who want to get involved with the residents association!

Thanks for cooking Mary!!

We had kids and adults prizes. Every child in attendance walked away with a prize!

We were honoured to have some support from the North End Ambassadors!

Sgt Bonnie Emerson of the Winnipeg Police Service introduced some North End Police officers and explained how important it is for police and residents to be working together.

Tracey Procter of MPI Citizens on Patrol Program (COPP) also gave a presentation on the COPP Program inviting any neighbourhood groups to contact her to take ownership over our neighbourhooods!

It was a fantastic event, thank you to Sharon, our community Development Worker and all of the SJRA Board and Committees for making our AGM such a success. Special shout out to Ralph Brown & NECRC for their support of the event as well!

Thursday, October 3, 2013

Friday, September 20, 2013

A few events to check out and share

(Intl Peace Days event with a march)

Friday, September 20

5 PM - regular bell tower associated with PEACE DAYS.
6 PM - Ring the bell and march to Ralph Brown Community Centre (460 Andrews)
7 PM - Pipe Ceremony 

(Ceremony & Medicine Walk)

Saturday, September 21

Circle of Life Thunderbird House (715 Main)
8:30 AM - Pipe Ceremony
11:30 AM - March to St Johns Park

Housing & Safety Committee Meeting

Wednesday, September 25

5 PM
NECRC Boardroom
(509 Selkirk Avenue)
Dinner Included


Friday, September 27

11:45 PM - Meet at APTN fountain (Corner of Portage & Carlton)
12:00 AM (Midnight) - March

Monday, September 9, 2013

Programs @ St. John's Library

Print and share with your friends :)

Fall Family Storytime registration begins

Friday, September 13, at 10:00 AM

The Fall Storytime session begins

Tuesday, October 1, 6:30-7:00 PM
and run Tuesdays until November 19.

The ABCs of First Time Home Buying 

Thursday, October 3, 6:30 PM
Will be approx. one hour in length.

All of the above located in St John's Library at 500 Salter Street 

Sunday, September 1, 2013

Check it!

Have a bite to eat and check out a few ways to get involved with St. John's Residents' Association

Communications Committee Meeting 
Tuesday, September 10 
5 PM 
Win Gardner Place 
Dinner Included 

Community/Board Meeting
Wednesday, Sept.18
7 PM 
Win Gardner Place 
Dinner @ 6:30 PM

Safety & Housing Committee Meeting
Wednesday, September 25 
5 PM
NECRC Boardroom
Dinner Included

Saturday, August 31, 2013

Picnic in the Park!

St. John’s Residents’ Association - Picnic in the Park prize winners

Prize #1 Winner – Mary Linklater
Meat Pack - Avenue Meat Market, 4 Goldeyes tickets, 2 YMCA-YWCA passes

Prize #2 – Bonnie Thompson
Meat Pack - Avenue Meat Market, 4 Goldeyes tickets, 2 YMCA-YWCA passes

Prize #3 – Jeff Suiz
$50 Gift Card – The North Star Drive In, 4 Goldeyes tickets, 2 YMCA-YWCA passes

Prize #4 – Savanna Ducharme
4 Goldeyes tickets, 2 YMCA-YWCA passes

Prize #5 – Nicole Pearson
4 Goldeyes tickets, 1 YMCA-YWCA pass

Prize #6 – Mary Burton
5 Goldeyes tickets

A big Thank You to all of our sponsors who donated prizes!

and now for some photos :)

Tuesday, June 18, 2013

City of Winnipeg 2014 Budget Consultation

The City of Winnipeg is undertaking a consultation process to engage the citizens of Winnipeg in shaping the direction of the City’s budget. All across Canada, municipalities are facing an infrastructure crisis. The list of items needing repair includes streets, bridges, sidewalks, community centers, libraries, and sewer and water systems. Based on current revenues, the City of Winnipeg anticipates shortfalls in its 2014 and 2015 operating budgets of $74 million and $94 million, respectively. Under the City of Winnipeg Charter, the City must balance its budget. Given this challenge, the City of Winnipeg is seeking to understand what the citizens of Winnipeg want and expect from its civic government. The City of Winnipeg would like to know what the citizens of Winnipeg think about
  • What the priorities of the City should be
  • What choices they would make if they were in charge of the City’s budget.
Citizens can provide feedback through public workshops, an on-line survey, written submissions, by email to or by phone to a comment line at 1.877.780.8683.

More information available at
The workshops are being independently moderated by MNP in an open house format and will be held on the following dates:
Tuesday, June 18
Highbury School, St. Vital, 99 Highbury Road
6:30 p.m. – 9:00 p.m.
Wednesday, June 19
Victoria Community Club, Fort Garry, 80 Derek Street
6:30 p.m. – 9:00 p.m.
Saturday, June 22
Buchanan Hall, Assiniboine West Recreation Association, St. James-Assiniboia West, 861 Buchanan Boulevard
12:30 p.m. – 3:00 p.m.
Monday, June 24
Millenium Library, Carole Shields Auditorium, 251 Donald Street
6:30 p.m. – 9:00 p.m.
Wednesday, June 26
Park City West Community Centre, Transcona, 115 Sanford Fleming Road
6:30 p.m. – 9:00 p.m.
Thursday, June 27
Garden City Community Centre, 725 Kingsbury Avenue
6:30 p.m. – 9:00 p.m.


Monday, June 10, 2013

Citizens Action Network

Do you have a neighbourhood issue that you wish to report but don't necessarily want to be the one reporting it?

Do you have:

- neighbours who don't maintain their yard or home
- neighbours involved in criminal or dangerous activity
- issues with your road, backlane, or other City property
- derelict or vacant home issues

The Citizens Action Network (C.A.N.) can accept your report and forward the issue to all necessary parties. This can include Community By Law Enforcement Services, the Winnipeg Police Service, the Winnipeg Fire Department and outside agencies. As well, these departments will notify any other agency that is required after they complete their investigation.

This system allows all citizens to be able to report concerns with a certain amount of anonymity. There will be some cases where information may need to be followed up on, however, if you do not feel comfortable with this, there are things that can be done. One can be the C.A.N. Coordinator can look into the concern and verify it and report it for you and follow up with the agencies after the report is submitted.

Did you know St. John's has their own C.A.N. Coordinator? If you wish to use this service you can email

More information on this program can be found here.

Also this service is to only be used for NON-Emergencies. If there is an immediate threat to life or public safety, please contact 911. Do not report these issues to C.A.N. as there may be a delay with the Coordinator viewing it and the agencies (ie. the WPS or WFPS) will not accept an emergency report from the Coordinator.

Friday, June 7, 2013

Friends of Sherbrook Pool

Friends of Sherbrook Pool has been advocating to have Sherbrook Pool reopened, and their cause would benefit greatly from additional signatures on their e-petition and participation from Winnipeggers from all neighbourhoods in their campaign to call city councilors to ask that they stand up for the pool.

If you would like more information on what they have been doing and the situation with Sherbrook pool, you can see their call for action below as well as their information.

You can see their Facebook page at, their online petition at and their website at

As well, the City released the following news release today:

Friday, June 7, 2013 

City to consult with residents of Daniel McIntyre ward on future of Sherbrook Pool

Winnipeg, MB – The City of Winnipeg’s Public Service is recommending that a consultation process be undertaken to determine the recreational needs of the Daniel McIntyre ward, including Sherbrook Pool and other facilities in that area.

On November 29, 2012, a routine inspection of the 81-year-old Sherbrook Pool identified a potential concern with the integrity of the support columns on the pool deck.The facility was closed to allow for a detailed engineering assessment of the facility to be undertaken. This assessment involved opening up (or uncovering) the columns around the pool to assess their condition.

Programming was relocated to nearby pool facilities for the winter and spring 2013 sessions.

The City brought in a third party engineering firm to assist with the assessment, which focused on determining the structural integrity of the facility and the anticipated costs of any needed repairs or remediation.

The Public Service has determined that the capital cost to re-open and maintain Sherbrook Pool would be approximately $6.3 million ($2.8M to re-open and $3.5M to maintain over the next twenty years).

Total expenditures for both maintenance and programming for Sherbrook Pool have increased significantly. It has gone from $525,000 in 2002 to $753,000 in 2012.

The public service recommends a request for proposals to have an independent third party conduct the community consultations.

An administrative report will be considered by the Standing Policy Committee of Property and Development on Tuesday, June 11. The report is available here.

Thursday, June 6, 2013

Bed Bug Prevention Kits

Our bed bug prevention kits are now available. These kits are free and include mattress covers, traps and information on how to prevent and remove bed bugs.

Also available is our bed bug steamer for rent. There is no charge for the steamer, however a $50 deposit is required when renting it.

If you have any questions or would like to rent the steamer or have a bed bug prevention kit, please call Sharon at 204-927-2340.

Tuesday, June 4, 2013

Planting Days

Come join us for two planting days this weekend! The first will be held at Salter Streets Community Garden which is just North of St. John's Avenue on the East side of Salter Street. It will be on Friday June 7 at 4 pm. Urban Eatin staff will be on site to answer any gardening questions. There will be a dinner at 6 pm afterwards at Ralph Brown Community Centre.

If you need any seedlings, please contact Sharon at 204-927-2340. 

The next day, Saturday June 8, we will be planting the centre planter in Machray Park. Registration is requested but not required.

Friday, May 24, 2013


Come join in on the Recycle-a-thon at Garden City Shopping Centre 2305 McPhillips Street in front
of Canadian Tire this Saturday, May 25, 2013 from 10:00 am to 2:00 pm.

What to Bring?

Products accepted at the event  (some companies are accepting only certain items at this event):

CBCRA  (Recycle Everywhere) Beverage containers made of • glass • plastic • aluminum • poly-coated juice  containers

EPRA: • computers & components • televisions • non-cellular telephones • microwaves • stereo equipment • portable audio equipment

MARRC: • used oil • oil filters • used oil and antifreeze  containers • antifreeze PCA • household paint products (max 25L) • all paint aerosol  containers (max 660g) • residential fluorescent lights (tubes up to 8ft  and CFLs)

RECYCLE your non-standard recyclable items  (items not accepted in your blue box)
COLLECT these items while spring cleaning and bring them to this event instead of throwing them away
LEARN about what items in your home and  business are recyclable and find out where they  can be dropped off throughout the year
HELP raise awareness for industry-led associations that run these recycling programs

For a full list of collection  locations year-round and products accepted at those locations, please refer to their websites. Canadian Beverage Container  Recycling Association CBCRA Electronic Products Recycling Association (EPRA) Manitoba Association for  Resource Recovery Corp (MARRC) Product Care Association (PCA)

Monday, May 20, 2013

Community Composter

Looking for somewhere to compost? If you don't have somewhere in your yard and would like to use a Community space, you can find two composters within the St. John's neighbourhood. One is in our Community Garden in a vacant lot on the East side of Salter Street just North of St. John's Avenue or another site at Ralph Brown Community Centre (currently under construction).

Feel free to use some of the composted material for your gardens as well!

Friday, May 10, 2013


On Saturday, May 11, 2013 the Winnipeg Police Service will open their doors to members of the public wishing to dispose of unwanted, expired or unused prescription drugs as part of National Prescription Drug Drop Off Day.

The event is sponsored by the Canadian Association of Chiefs of Police, and is being held in partnership with the Canadian Center on Substance Abuse and Public Safety Canada.

Many citizens have unused and expired prescription medications in their home as their safe disposal can be difficult.  Flushing them down the drain or tossing them in the garbage can be an environmental hazard.

As well, the misuse of prescription drugs has become a crisis in many communities across the country.  Research suggests that approximately 75% of young people who misuse these drugs have obtained them from home.

“Every unused prescription turned in has the potential to save the life of a citizen who may not be fully aware of the dangers of taking medication that has not been prescribed for them,” said Chief Devon Clunis of the Winnipeg Police Service.

This coming Saturday drugs can be dropped off from 8:30 a.m. to 6:30 p.m. at any of our Service Centres. The one for the North End is D
istrict 3 Service Centre - 260 Hartford Avenue.

This one-day Drug Drop service is free and anonymous.

Please note that the proper disposal of medication is available year round at participating pharmacies.  For more information visit

Upcoming Workshops at the St. John's Library

One upcoming workshop is the Metis Genealogy. Randy Ranville of the Métis Resource Centre will present the various resources available to anyone interested in researching their Métis ancestry. These resources include census data and records kept in archives and genealogical societies. This will be offered on May 28 at 500 Salter Street from 6 - 8 pm. It is free of charge though the library does require you to register. You may do so by calling 204-986-4689.

The second upcoming workshop is Personal Safety on June 3rd. Whether it be safety at home, when walking, or in your vehicle, it is important that you incorporate personal safety strategies into your lifestyle. Information will also be provided by the Winnipeg Police Service in this hour-long presentation. It will start at 6:30 pm and to register you can call 204-986-4689.

Questions? Head down to our local library!

Thursday, May 2, 2013

Giveaway weekend - NEXT weekend

The first giveaway weekend of 2013 is this weekend on May 11 and 12. Be green and let others use items that you are no longer using. The tips or 'rules' of the giveaway the City of Winnipeg sets are below:

Tips if you are giving away items:
·         Place unwanted household items at the curb on your front street.
·         Label each item with a FREE sticker or sign.
·         Keep any items safely stored away that you don't want to give away.
·         Remove leftover items from the curb by dusk on Sunday.

Examples of giveaway items include:
·         books, CDs and DVDs
·         furniture, electronics and small appliances
·         sports equipment and toys
·         yard and gardening tools and equipment (e.g., lawn mowers, snow throwers, rakes, shovels)
·         kitchen gadgets, dishes, cutlery, pots and pans
·         unwanted gifts
·         construction material (e.g., nails, paint, wood)
·         clothing

Please do not put out:
·         items that could be unsafe
·         items infested with bed bugs (e.g., mattresses, furniture, bedding)
·         toilets (with a flush volume of 13 litres or more)

Tips if you are cruising the curbs looking for treasures:
·         Take only the items at the curb marked "FREE.”
·         Respect other people's property – don't walk or drive on people's lawns or gardens.
·         Don't discard any items on another person’s lawn.
·         Obey the traffic laws at all times (e.g., don't block traffic, park illegally or block people's driveways with your vehicle)
·         Watch out for children.

For more information on the giveaway weekend, including what to do with leftover items:
·         visit
·         contact our 311 Centre, open 24 hours every day, by phone at 311 or by email at
·         download the mywaste app at

For information on items that aren’t safe to give away (e.g., baby walkers, lawn darts), visit:

Ever want to be notified of whats being put on by the City of Winnipeg? 

They have a Facebook page ( and a Twitter (

*New* Gardening Workshop - Pallet and transplant

The next gardening workshop in the 2013 series is going to be held on Friday May 17 from 1 - 3 pm. It will be held at Ralph Brown Community Centre 460 Andrews Street; through the McGregor Street entrance). 

You will be able to make a pallet garden to grow flowers, vegetables or herbs. Its a neat way to grow greens the green way! You'll also get some handy information on how to transplant your seedlings to your garden (pallet or otherwise). 

If you plan on coming, we'd appreciate you letting us know for planning purposes, but it isn't required. Feel free to contact Sharon, our new Community Development worker at 204-927-2340 or Madelaine at 204-290-4214 or send us an email at

Workshop coming up next.. Planting day!

Monday, April 22, 2013

Community Cleanup 2013

Its getting to be that time of year again. Join us on Saturday May 11 from 10 am to Noon for our annual Community Cleanup (Rain or Snow!).

This year will be slightly different from others. We will have meetup locations along Salter Street at the corner of Redwood, Mountain, Machray and Atlantic. This is where you can sign in, grab your supplies and gloves and head out from there.

As we don't have autobins any longer, we will also be using these corners along Salter Street as the drop off location for your collected garbage. Bring your bags back to Salter Street meet ups (same as above)! You can grab more bags and supplies so that you don't have to carry a lot of stuff with you while you are out and about.

Please come to the nearest corner to the area you want to clean. So, if you want to clean Machray Park, please go to Salter at Machray so that we can track where we need volunteers!

The second change is where our BBQ is afterwards. We will be headed to Luxton Community Centre at 210 St. Cross Street. This is where all our wonderful volunteers from our cleanup as well as Seven Oaks, Inkster and Luxton will be meeting up. We will be having food followed by prizes here.

Look forward to seeing all our neighbours out and having a great feast afterwards. Keep watch here for updates and any possible tweeks to plans as the event nears.

Any questions? Leave them in comments, send us an email at or check us out on Facebook or Twitter!

Wednesday, April 17, 2013

Help support our neighbours at Burrows Resource Centre

Burrows Central Residents Council is hosting a Craft, Accessory and Bake sale on Saturday May 11. Check out their poster below for all the details!

Thursday, April 11, 2013

17TH Annual Winnipeg Police Service North End Spring Feast

The Winnipeg Police released the below information regarding the 17th annual WPS North End Spring Feast. 


Members of the Winnipeg Police Service District #3 Community Support Unit will be hosting the 17th Annual Spring Feast at the Indian & Metis Friendship Centre located at 45 Robinson Street, tomorrow, April 12th at 12:00 noon

In traditional Aboriginal communities, there were a select group of individuals known as the Peacekeepers or Warriors of the tribe.  They were from the Bear Clan and assumed the responsibility to protect the community from harm.  Another important role was to provide food to ensure no one within the community was hungry.

As police officers, we are honorary members of the bear clan and are expected to perform a wide range of duties and assume many different roles including being a Peacekeeper.

The Winnipeg Police Service North End Spring Feast, under the guidance of an Aboriginal Elder, is reminiscent of the tradition whereby the hunters in the community prepared and held a Community Feast.

This has proven to be a tremendous success and has enhanced the relationship between the members of our Police Service and the Aboriginal Community.

This year with the assistance of RB Russell culinary staff, Police Officers will prepare beef stew and serve it with bannock to members of community.  In the past years, Officers have served upwards of 650 community members during this event.

This year Winnipeg Police Service members, including the WPS Cadets, along with CP, CN, RCMP and Treaty Three police officers, are honoured to represent the Bear Clan at this Traditional feast.

Business contributors of this year’s feast have made possible book scholarships for north end students. Performers from the area schools and Aboriginal Community will be in attendance.

Members of the media are welcome to attend. 

Monday, April 8, 2013

New Meeting Location

After our January Community Consultation it was decided that we would move the monthly meetings to Win Gardner Place at 363 McGregor Street. The meetings will still be at the same time, 7 pm, and on the third Wednesday of every month.

We will be holding the meetings at Win Gardner for April, May and June and will decide after Junes meeting if we will continue at this location. We are always looking for members of the Community to attend our monthly meetings to provide input, share ideas and concerns.

If you have any questions, please feel free to leave them here, send them to us in an email, post on Facebook or Twitter!

Friday, April 5, 2013

March 2013 Newsletter

The newest newsletter from the St. John's Residents Association can be found here.

Have an idea for our Summer newsletter or have a question about something in this one? Let us know:

FB: St Johns Residents

or leave a comment!

Tuesday, March 26, 2013

April 5 Seed Starting Workshop

The second workshop in the 2013 Gardening Workshop series is a seed starting workshop! You will be able to learn which seeds can be started early, the best time to start them, how to start them and be provided with seeds of your own. Any questions? Give us a call, email, Facebook message, or leave a comment!

Check out whats going on at St John's Library!

Friday, March 15, 2013

Come on out for Burrows Central Residents Council

Burrows Central Residents Council is holding a fundraiser at Rumor's Comedy Club (18+ event). Check out the poster below for all the details. Interested in tickets? Contact Jessica at 204-803-5100 or at

Winter Wonderland Contest - Voting time!

This upcoming Wednesday, March 20, voting for the Winter Wonderland contest entries will be at Ralph Brown Community Centre at 6:30 pm! Voting will go on until about 6:45 pm or so and prizes should be handed out by 7 pm.

If you didn't receive a nomination in your mailbox, you can still come on out and vote for some of the 24 homes nominated. Everyone who comes gets three votes that you can use on any home (or homes) you would like.

There are three larger prizes for 1st, 2nd and 3rd and 10 runner up prizes, so there is a 50% chance for you or your neighbour to get a prize.

Thank you to everyone that volunteered to take photographs of homes, those who contacted us to nominate a neighbour and those who braved the cold to put up some decorations. We have homes entered from almost every street in St. John's and its just another reason why our Community is so great.

Friday, March 8, 2013

Billy Mosienko Lanes - Spring Break Fun

Looking for something to do over Spring Break? Head over to Billy Mosienko Lanes!

On Friday and Saturday nights from 10pm to midnight you can bowl all you like for $8.

During Spring Break between 9 am and Noon games are only $2. You can also do 'All you can bowl' from 3pm - 5pm for $5!

(Plus you can get a large one topping pizza for $10 while you bowl)

Questions? Give them a call at 204-586-2416.

Thursday, March 7, 2013

North End Food Security Network March Calendar

Safety & Housing Committee Meeting

The first combined St. John's Safety & Housing Committee meeting will be happening Tuesday, March 19 at 5 p.m. at North End Community Renewal Corporation (509 Selkirk Avenue).

This meeting will be the first step in getting our Committee off the ground and working on priorities and concerns.

If you would like to attend, please RSVP to Madelaine at 204-290-4214 or Rachel at 204-927-2340.

Wednesday, February 6, 2013

Sir William Stephenson Library - Valentines Day Stories for Families

Sir William Stephenson Library at 765 Keewatin Street is having a Valentine’s Day program on February 9th from 2pm - 3pm. 

You will be able to share stories about friendship and love and make a heart-shaped bear to take home. 

The program is for families with children age 3 and older. To register, please call 204-986-7096.

Sunday, February 3, 2013

Nobody’s Perfect Parenting Program for Newcomer Parents

When: Tuesday 9:15 - 11:15 PM, Feb 5 -Mar 26 2013
Where: Turtle Island Neigbhourhood Centre, 510 King Street 
What: Rhymes and Songs in English and your language and time to talk about being a parent in Canada

Parenting Books, Childcare and Snacks provided.

To register:
Call Erna Andersen (204) 582-9091 

or Jean Tinling (204) 794-6796

Language support in: Karen, Kinyarwanda, Swahili

Free Parent Skills Cooking Class

Every Monday afternoon from 1-3 PM starting February 4, 2013, come down to Ralph Brown Community Centre to learn to make nutritious meals for your family.

You will get to bring your meal home so please bring a casserole dish or Tupperware container!

Ralph Brown Community Centre is located at 490 Andrews Street, with the entrance on the McGregor Street side.

To register or for more information please call or email:

Jasmine at North End Food Security Network:
204-927-2342 |

Neah Kee Papa

“I am your Father”

A parenting enhancement program designed to support the well being of children and to encourage and promote the parenting role of fathers as well as the bonding between both parents. When both partners participate in the program it builds and strengthens the “Parenting Partnership.”

Couples and women welcome.

Place:                   Ralph Brown Community Centre
                            460 Andrews; Machray and McGregor Entrance                 

Length:                6 sessions of 2 hours each

Start:                   February 20, 27, March 6, 13, 20 and 27 

Time:                  Wednesdays 1:30 – 3:30 pm

Cost:                   Free

This program has been canceled due to lack of enrollment.

Saturday, February 2, 2013

Tuesday, January 29, 2013

From Start to Plant - First Gardening Workshop of 2013

From feedback received, current gardeners and newbie gardeners (which I still seem to fall into after three years of attempts) would like to see more direction and information offered by the Residents Association. This year we have developed almost monthly workshops that will take you step by step from planning to planting to harvest to winterization.

The first workshop will take place at Ralph Brown Community Centre on Sunday, February 17 from 2 - 4 pm. Registration is not required, but is requested, as we would love to know who is attending!

This workshop will have:

- An exercise to plan the layout of your garden
- Information on companion plants (ie. what plants will help others and which ones aren't so good for others)
- A brief 'how to' care for plants once in the ground (ie. how much work this plant will actually be)
- Information on when to start the seed for plants (This will have its own workshop in the early Springtime where seeds will be started, but some may need to be started earlier/later than that workshop)
- Select the plants you would like and we will be trying our best to get you those seeds

If you have any questions, or would like to register, please contact Rachel at 204-927-2340 or Madelaine at 204-290-4214.

Thursday, January 17, 2013

Money Management Training - St. John's Library

Would you like to know about the basics of budgeting, banking, credit and being a smart shopper?

Join St. John's Library for four Monday evening workshops. This set is an opportunity to build on what you know, share your tips with others living on a low income and improve your money management skills.

The workshops are presented by SEED Winnipeg.

Attending all four dates is expected. It is free and you can call 204-986-4689 to register. They will be held at the library (500 Salter Street) on Mondays running on January 21, 28 February 4 and 11 starting at 6 p.m.

Community Consultation - January 26 from 1-4

2013 is upon us in a big way and we want to make this one of the best years for the Community yet! We need your help to do it.

We will have a day of input on January 26 from 1 - 4 at Win Gardner Place (363 McGregor Street). We will have a wide array of poster boards asking for your ideas on everything from Financial Sustainability ideas to meeting locations to workshop ideas and more! We will also have various committees and groups to sign up for.

We would really love to expand our online base and be able to send you information on upcoming St. John's Resident Association events, meetings, Community events and initiatives. Our email is and we would love to hear from you!

Not only will the day be one that we will use to plan our 2013 year, but we will also have information for you. We will have what we have done over the past year, what we have planned this year so far, our board on hand to meet you and answer any questions you may have, Service Canada will have information on pensions, student loans/bonds and EI/maternity leave information.

To top it off, we will be having food and prizes. Not just any food but perogies, bannock, cabbage rolls and desert. Best of all, its local! Prizes and food will be held nearer to 3 and everyone is invited.

We will have paper copies available of both our business and resident surveys, but in case you missed the links the resident survey can be found at and the business survey can be found at

Thursday, January 10, 2013

Family Literacy Day Event - Rock and Read

This one day event, held on Monday January 28, 2013 from 10 a.m. to 1 p.m. at the Indian and Metis Friendship Centre (45 Robinson Street) introduces families to the amazing variety of books available for children today.

Parents and children (babies to age 7) learn songs, rhymes, the importance of books and ways to make reading fun. Parents also get the change to make a book for their children.

Contact people are Stephanie or Sherri at 204-586-8841 or Myfanwy at 204-582-1518.

Lunch and bus tickets will be provided. This event is brought to you by FACT (Families and Communities Together) and the Indian and Metis Friendship Centre Winnipeg.

Canada Summer Jobs 2013 - Frequently Asked Questions

The Federal Government offers Canada Summer Jobs, an initiative that provides funding to help employers create summer job opportunities for students. It focuses on local priorities while achieving tangible results for both students and their communities.

Any not-for-profit organizations, public-sector employers and small businesses with 50 or fewer full-time employees can apply for funding through Canada Summer Jobs.

The application period starts on February 1, 2013 and runs until February 28, 2013. (Please note, this will change next year to allow for more time for employers)

More information can be found at

Are you a youth looking for employment? Check out the Federal Governments Youth Canada page at They also have a page geared at jobs, which can be found at

Monday, January 7, 2013

Community Consultation - Community Response

St. John's Residents Association is holding a Community Consultation at Win Gardner Place (363 McGregor Street) on Saturday January 26 from 1 - 4 p.m. Keep watch for more information about the consultation.

First off however, for our consultation to be successful, we need the Communities response. We are going to be planning our next year on the results that we from the consultation.

If you would like to see something offered in the Community or want your voice to be heard, we need to hear from you!

Please fill out our easy, confidential survey to help your Residents Association make 2013 a great year for the neighbourhood.

Our survey can be found at Please see free to share the link!